“Lolita is a motivational and inspiring coach. She helped me bring my hopes and dreams to reality. Lolita holds me accountable in a fun and supported way. I really appreciate her coaching style.”
Click the Audio Link To Hear From Lolita
A personalized road map helps guide your path.
Practical strategies transform your self-limiting beliefs and drive clarity, confidence, and accountability.
Free your mind of distractions and infuse manageable plans into your life.
Uniquely crafted sessions are tailored to your group’s desired output.
Interactive learning is achieved through a step-by-step process.
A proven, and sustainable plan will yield tangible results.
A certified expert focuses on self-awareness, leadership, development, and unlocking your full potential.
Exploration & clarity propel you to the next level of greatness & success.
Vision and strategy drive sustainable action and development plans.
Are You Ready to Explore & Experience Coaching, Speaking and/or Consulting with Lolita?
Welcome to The 2x/month, 90-Minute Group Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations Collective Transformation with Lolita E. Walker. An extension of the "kitchen table" talk & "soul-work" from Lolita's Podcast, j Journal, Zoom-Cast, & Clubhouse audiences, who are ready to dig deeper, in a group setting, to put the learned nuggets into the fullness of complete ACTION & ACCOUNTABILITY!
“Lolita coached me through her executive strategy program and shifted my life. From strategies and tools to use each day, to challenging my mindset and work standards, I am a repeat client who has seen tremendous growth.”
“I have been an individual client and a member of one of Lolita’s coaching groups. Her philosophy of starting with the foundation of you resonates in everything she does. She managed to walk me through significant change by pushing me beyond where I thought iI could go. Her tools are applicable in all facets of life.”
Click any of the categories below to expand the opportunities available.
Listen in as Certified Coach, Lolita E. Walker, shares how to navigate, what she calls, “The Three Terrains of Change.”
“I have benefited so much from the services provided by Lolita. I have been able to integrate the tips and use the tools in my daily living (career-wise, personally, and mentally). Her women retreats are AWESOME! I HIGHLY recommend all of her services, including the affirmations, in which I say out loud every morning. If you need balance or maintenance in your life, she is the consultant & life coach to go to!”