7 Stops to Renewal!


As we prepare to close 2017, and leap into the greatness of 2018, please consider 7 stops along your journey to Renewal.




Stop 1: “BE FREE” Boulevard

Believe in your strengths and open your mind to now explore.  Check your fears at the door and get ready to leap to the unknown. Your strengths, values, and experiences will be the net that catches and holds you up.  

 Stop 2: “Articulation” Avenue

There is power in claiming your desired state. Speaking it aloud builds internal ownership and is your guide to unmasking and conquering fears. 

Stop 3: “Plan-It” Parkway

Verbalizing is an aspect of articulation. Documenting a plan is another. When you commit to physically creating a plan, be specific. Lolita E. Walker, Personal & Organizational Change Management Consultant, emphasizes that the more specific you are, the greater the outcome is for achieving your goals. Consider who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Stop 4: “Food” Freeway

Get off at the Food Freeway to Mindful Eating. According to Karima Roepel, Hospitality & Culinary Educator, and Founder of Ambrosia Food Group, LLC. it is important to eat foods that ground you in reality. Particularly during the winter season, grounding, rooted foods, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and radishes help maintain balance and spark wise decision-making. Sip heated drinks that include warming spices such as cinnamon, cloves, garlic, ginger, nutmeg, and cumin.  Visit @ambrosiakitchen on Instagram for tips & yummy recipes.

Stop 5: “Coping” Cul-de-sac

Dr. Safiyyah Rahman, Private Practice Psychiatrist, reminds us that road blocks are everywhere and sometimes they can unconsciously come from within. Do not get caught in a dead end. Spend time being introspective and identify those areas in need. Especially pay attention to your mental health as this is, far too often, unaddressed.

Stop 6: “Unleash the Renewed You” Row.

Embracing change is not singular! When you begin the process of rejuvenating your mind, body, and soul, you are on your way to unleashing the “new you.” On this row, are those who are depending on you for success along your journey. Embracing and empowering them will fuel your continued strength.   

Stop 7: “Invest in You” Intersection

The intersection of You and Change is the investment in yourself.   Change begins with you and it is essential that you invest in its foundation. Invest in a massage, take unplanned time off to spend with your friends and family, indulge in a golf or movie day, find a …..Renewal Retreat!