Are YOU your top priority?

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How many times have you said ABSOLUTELY as the response to this question because you know it is the right answer?  How many times have endless thoughts danced in your head to then give you pause in taking those moments you need?

Likely this has happened to you once or twice.  How do I know? Because I have had this happen to me as well.   I have been there when little voices rouse up feelings of guilt, as if there is no time, or thoughts that you don't need to take your moments right now because you are doing just fine on your own.  Far too often, as women, we don't take the necessary moments to PAUSE and renew ourselves.

Self-focus, self-doubt, self-sabotage, & self-limiting beliefs can knock us down and hold us hostage each day.  The drive is knowing that we are better than the little voices in our heads.  We are powerful, we are smart, we are warriors, we are determined.  Even Wonder Woman pauses to simply be :)  In the normal hustle and bustle, busy women like us can begin to renew ourselves by creating time in our schedules, shifting our mindsets, and knowing that taking care of us means that we are better able to take care of others.  Here are a few tidbits on how to consistently renew you - one step at a time.

7 Steps to Renewing You.


1.  Take Moments to BREATHE

To really breathe.  Solitary deep breaths in of knowing you are enough, of positive energy, of your worthiness, of your commitment to greatness in your day.  Deep breaths out of toxic energy, negativity, self-limiting beliefs, and of doubt.


To have a greater purpose beyond yourself and a faith that holds you up is a rock that is unshakable.  Lean on it for strength and guidance as you move throughout your journey.

3.  AFFIRM Yourself Daily

Address yourself in the mirror daily to profess what you will do and be within your day.  Continue until this routine is missed if you momentarily forget.

4.  Visualize Your GOAL

Get your goals on paper so that you can see it daily.

5.  Identify Your SUPPORT SYSTEM

Occupy your space with people who will hold you up during your journey.

6.  Communicate your LEAP PLAN

To leap is to know that there is a world of unknown awaiting for you.


Just do it!  You got this!

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RENEW yourself for the greatness that lies ahead.

Remember you are stronger and smarter than you may give yourself credit for.

Expose yourself to new experiences & be amazed at how your strengths propel you to soar.

Nourish your mind with positive energy & affirmations each day.

Execute your work with excellence, pride, & with everything you are proud to attach to your name.

Wish the same upon those who support you, then with your leadership, they will do the same.


Consider renewing YOU at an upcoming  Women's Weekend Renewal & Training Retreat to reset right before the holidays.  You will enjoy 11 other phenomenal women, at a serene location, private chef, workshops, mindfulness, and much more.  

Lolita E. Walker is a change champion, speaker, and workshop facilitator at the forefront of a movement to help women shift their mindsets and take back moments for themselves.  These moments translate to more productive, creative, and decisive individuals, who embrace change at the onset, act with clarity and confidence, and thrive, as they surpass their desired results.  She moves powerful women into their own personal greatness to thrive in work, home, and life.  Within the disruption, discomfort, fear, and doubts of change, are triumphs, successes, and wins.  Lolita's brings those out of all of her clients.  Her services range from creating personalized daily affirmations, to retreats, speaking, and coaching, to name a few.